Dona’s Delight

Creamcheese Brownies

Riyas Irmadona
Recipe by
1 1/4 hr
Cook: 15 min

Gw tuh punya banyak banget resep brownies.. Sering banget nyoba2 resep brownies.. Sampe2 sering kadamg bikin ud ga pake resep cuma pake butter dan chocolate yg kebetulan ada di rumah ajah.. Karena kayaknya kalo bikin brownies ga bisa gagal deh.. Tapi kali ini gw mau share cream cheese brownies.. Pasti temen2 udah sering kan bikin coklat brownies… Tapi cream cheese brownies udah belum?…. Jangan kaget yah kalo brownies ini bener2 fudge and moist banget… all the way to the edges, with a deep, dark, rich chocolaty essence.
Trus resep brownies ini juga bisa di ilangin cream cheese mya.. Jadi cuma brownies chocolate ajah.

Deep chocolate brownies


  • 2 sticks/ 225 gr unsalted butter
  • 8 ounces/ 225 gr fine-quality bittersweet chocolate (pake coklatnya yg enak yah jangan pake coklat murmer, nanti
  • browniesnya rasanya jg murmer )
  • 400 gr gula pasir
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 5 telur ukuran besar
  • 85 gr terigu
  • 50 gr  cunsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder / gw pake van houten atau apa tuh yg merah kotaknya di indo, jangan pake bubuk coklat swiss yah.. Krn mereka ga pake proses dr belanda. Akan beda jg rasanya.)
  • 1/2 sdt garam


  1. Preheat oven to 175 celciua with rack in middle. Butter and flour baking pan.
  2. Melt butter and chocolate in a 3-qt heavy saucepan over low heat, stirring, until smooth. Remove from heat and cool to lukewarm. Whisk in sugar and vanilla. Whisk in eggs 1 at a time until mixture is glossy and smooth.
  3. Whisk together flour, cocoa powder, and salt, then whisk into chocolate mixture until combined.
  4. Spread in pan and bake until a pick inserted in center comes out with crumbs, 25 to 35 minutes. Cool completely.

Nah itu resep brownies kalo ga mau di pakein cream cheese.. Kalo mau di pakein cream cheese.. Setelah taro di cetakan.. Di campur dg adonan cream cheese..

Adonan cream cheese nya:

  • 1 pack philladelphia cream cheese
  • 65 gr gula
  • 1 telor
  1. Beat cream cheese with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth.
  2. Add sugar and mix. Add egg; mix until well-blended
  3. Place cheese mixture in dolups over the whole pan, leaving some brownie showing inbetween.
  4. Cut or swirl through batter several times with a knife or fork for a marbled effect. It can be tricky to get a good marble effect so be careful not to over work it.
  5. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes. Cool; cut into squares.

Terus sabar yah.. Enaknya tuh browniesnya masukin kulkas dulu.. Di makan buat besok.. Potong2nya juga siapin air panas.. Buat bersihin pisaunya.. Mau di makan hari itu juga enak juga sih. Tapi lebih mantab besokannya.
Tuh lengkap dg tip nya yah.. Met mencoba


5 Reviews

  1. Vidya

    The real chocolate cake ever. It’s easy to bake for a beginner like me & so moist. Can eat warm & cool. Love it!

    • Riyas IrmadonaRiyas Irmadona


  2. Dessy ika maya

    Mau nangis bacanya krn ga ngerti artinya….😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • Riyas IrmadonaRiyas Irmadona

      yang mana yang ga ngerti?

  3. Heni

    Aku sudah nyoba brownies ini……
    Rasanya memang beda bangeeett…. ini benar2 enak banget…
    Sekeluarga besar sukaaaa banget.
    Thanks mba Donna…..


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